From Mon Oct 16 12:16:22 2000 Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 18:17:14 -0700 From: Ed Murphy Reply-To: To: Subject: BUS: Agoran Weekly Journal THE AGORAN WEEKLY JOURNAL VOLUME 47, ISSUE 8 October 15, 2000 ADOPTED PROPOSALS ----------------- "Clean up R408" by Steve - Proposal 4076 (second one) adopted 10/6 Judging Late occurs seven days after the end of the Deliberation Period only if the Judge did not return Judgement or dismiss by that time. Judging a Bit Late becomes a Class 0.5 (not 0.2) Infraction. "Fix Rule 408" by Harlequin (on behalf of the Mute Chuck) - Proposal 4077 adopted 10/9 Judging Late occurs seven days after the end of the Deliberation Period only if the Judge did not return Judgement or dismiss by that time. "Minor fix" by Peekee - Proposal 4078 adopted 10/9 Correct an errant "the the" in Rule 1948. "Remove some anomalous references" by Steve - Proposal 4075 (second one) adopted 10/6 Rebellion refers to Electees, rather than to Offices held "in the normal fashion" or "temporarily". REJECTED PROPOSALS ------------------ "Expand Presence" by Blob - Proposal 4075 (first one) failed quorum 10/4 Oligarchs may declare Presence on Ordinary Proposals. "Votes over Points" by Taral - Proposal 4076 (first one) failed quorum 10/4 Only Player to Vote FOR/AGAINST a Proposal is worth 2 (not 10) Points. PENDING PROPOSALS ----------------- "Budgeted Stipends" by Elysion The Winner's Stipend is made part of the Treasuror's Budget. "Fix Kudos and Remove a Rule" by Elysion Kudos are explicitly made non-Property. Definition of Shogun is merged into Rule 1923 (Defined Unique Patent Titles). "Tweak Rule 1016" by Elysion Rule 1016 (Putting Oneself On Hold) is shortened. Also, the 96-hour limit applies to both going On Hold and going Off Hold. PROTO-PROPOSALS --------------- "Improved Oligarchy" by Steve There may be extra Low Oligarchs, temporarily. Speakership is merged into a laundry list of other disqualifications. Zombies may not bid in Oligarch Auctions. Bidder who becomes Speaker or Speaker-Elect has eir bids cancelled. All Auction winners start as Low Oligarchs. The Grand Warden shall announce an Auction winner taking eir position within three days of eir winning bid being paid. If a vacancy occurs during an Auction, it shall be filled by a subsequent Auction. Oligarchs are selected for promotion only when all six positions are full. The Grand Warden shall announce the need for selection within three days, unless the selection is made before e does so. One-choice selections occur automatically. Multiple-choice selections are made by majority, or by plurality after three days have elapsed. If three days elapse without a plurality, then the Speaker has one week to choose, or else become Tainted; if the Speakership changes hands during that week, then the duty transfers and the one-week timer starts over. If a vacancy occurs during a selection, then the selection is cancelled. CALLS FOR JUDGEMENT ------------------- CFJ 1243 "Chuck is ineligible to serve as a Justice in the Appeal of CFJ [TRUE] 1237." Appealed 8/21 Called by Steve 8/22-24 Assigned to Wes, who Judges TRUE 8/25-26 Appealed by Andre, Crito, harvel, Oerjan, and Kelly 8/25 Andre creates and signs an Application to Submit an Opinion, to force the official recording of eir Dissenting Opinion 8/25 Crito signs Andre's Application 8/27 harvel and Steve sign Andre's Application 8/28 Andre submits and executes eir Application 8/30 Appeal assigned to Chuck, Taral, and Andre 9/22 Chuck, Taral, and Andre dismissed from Board; t, Kelly, and Blob assigned to Board 9/29 Kelly moves to overturn and reverse 10/6 t and Blob dismissed from Board; Elysion and pTang assigned to Board 10/6 pTang moves to overturn and reverse 10/8 Elysion moves to overturn and reverse; a verdict of TRUE would indicate that Elysion is ineligible to serve on this Board Caller's argument (summary): Chuck made emself ineligible to Judge CFJ 1237 on August 1. When CFJ was called, Chuck was ineligible only due to Rule 1871, which does not affect the Board. However, there may be some Rules that use "Judge" to include Justices too. Counterargument (summary): No, there aren't. The Rules restrict the correctness of Judges and Judgements; they restrict Justices only to decide whether the Judge did what e should have. Judge's concurring opinion (summary): The object of "it" in Rule 911's "when it was called" is "the Appeal". Counterargument (summary): No, the object is "the CFJ". The time that an Appeal is called is undefined anyway, though it would presumably be the earliest time at which there exist sufficient insistences on Appeal. Rule 541 iii) and iv) use "the matter the Board is to consider" - a phrase similar to one in Rule 911 - in apparently inconsistent ways, but this is resolved if the phrase is interpreted as "the Judicial process regarding a given CFJ". Transferring that interpretation to the context of Rule 911, the only sensible interpretation of "when a Judicial process was called" is "when the original CFJ was called". CFJ 1247 "t's Order dated Wed, 20 Sep 2000 22:50:26 +0300 was improperly [TRUE] executed." 9/20 Called by Taral 9/27 Improperly assigned to Wes, who requested ineligibility 10/6-10 Assigned to Crito, who Judges TRUE and (Rule 1809) vacates the Order Circumstances: t's first version of "Stable Oligarchy" lacked sufficient Power, due to an error in the Ruleset. t re-submitted it with appropriate Power, and ordered (Rulekeepor and Promotor) Chuck to make it Distributable. Judge's argument (summary): Any Private Order is improper unless specifically authorized (by the Rules, or a SLC with jurisdiction over both the author and the recipient of the Order). CFJ 1248 "Rule 1941 shall be interpreted as outlined in pTang's judgement on CFJ 1246." 9/28 Called by pTang 10/6 Mis-assigned to t, who requested ineligibility 10/10 Assigned to Murphy Caller's argument (summary): This CFJ is intended to trigger Rule 789 (Orders to Annotate Rules) and force annotation of Rule 1941. CFJ 1249 "The paragraph of Rule 1664 which reads [TRUE] 'The Registar shall select a random integer from 1 to the number of Players (plus 1 if Miscreant is held) at the time of the Call for Revolt. If this number is less than or equal to the number of Rebellious Players (plus 1 if Miscreant is held by a Rebellious Player), then the Revolt succeeds; otherwise it fails.' should be interpreted such that, while the total number of Players is determined as of the time of the Call for Revolt, the number of Rebellious Players is determined as of the time the Registrar selects a random integer as described. 10/2 Called by Chuck 10/6-9 Assigned to Peekee, who Judges TRUE Judge's argument (summary): Anything pertaining to the Registrar's selection should be measured at the time of that section, unless explicitly specified otherwise (e.g. the total number of Players as of the time of the Call for Revolt). CFJ 1250 "Rule 1664 should be interpreted that the effects which are applied [TRUE] specifically to Abiding Players or specifically to Rebellious Players upon the success or failure of a Call for Revolt, are applied based on a Player's status as Abiding or Rebellious at the time the Registrar determines whether the Call for Revolt was successful or not, and not at the time the Call for Revolt is made." 10/2 Called by Chuck 10/6-10 Assigned to Crito, who Judges TRUE Judge's argument (summary): Anything pertaining to the Registrar's selection should be measured at the time of that section, unless explicitly specified otherwise (e.g. the total number of Players as of the time of the Call for Revolt). OFFICES/OLIGARCHS ----------------- 10/9 Andre is Elected Payroll Clerk. Voting begins for Justiciar. Candidates are Andre, Peekee, Steve, and Taral. Voting begins for Notary. Candidates are Peekee and Taral. Promotor and Justiciar Taral declines to be Speaker-Elect. Registrar Michael becomes Speaker-Elect until/unless e declines. Clerk of the Courts Kelly declines to be Speaker-Elect. 10/11 Due to successful Rebellion: * Oligarchy becomes completely vacant. * Speaker Transition occurs. Speaker-Elect (but not Electee) Michael becomes Speaker (but is Tainted). Promotor Taral is Speaker-Elect until/unless e declines. Nominations open for Speaker-Elect. Three Oligarch Auctions begin. Chuck Nominates for Speaker-Elect. Promotor and Justiciar Taral declines to be Speaker-Elect. Rulekeepor Chuck becomes Speaker-Elect until/unless e declines. Auction for High Oligarch ---------- 15 Elysion 10 t Auction for Middle Oligarchs ---------- 25 Elysion 20 t Auction for Low Oligarchs ---------- 50 t 35 Elysion OTHER ----- 10/7 Speaker Murphy pays out the Patronage attempted by then-Speaker Chuck on 10/3, thus validating the Stem transfer already executed. Murphy transfers eir Indulgences to Robespierre and tax shelter Novalis. 10/10 Taral makes emself eligible to Judge future CFJs. Steve makes emself eligible to Judge CFJs. 10/11 Everyone but Peekee, Wes, and Anthony is Rebellious. The Rebellion succeeds. Everyone is now Abiding. 10/13 Indulgence tax is levied: 0.7 of 1.0 - Andre - paid 10/14 3.6 of 4.8 - Michael 1.5 of 2.0 - Palnatoke - paid 10/13 0.9 of 1.2 - Peekee 2.2 of 3.0 - Schneidster - paid 10/13 4.9 of 6.6 - Wes - paid 10/13 Wes attempted to Rebel, and to make Anthony Rebel, in a-d (but e may have clearly indicated PF intent; thus, if all Players were subscribed to a-d at the time, then it counted as PF). 10/14 Accountor Oerjan ratifies eir Report of 10/10. Payroll Clerk Andre unofficially announces eir intent to levy a 30% Tax on Stems, excluding 75 Stems per Player. (Rule 1917 "General Currency Taxation" attempts to allow such an exclusion, but Rule 1853 "Levying Taxes" may prohibit it.) Auction for 125 Indulgences (omitting cancelled bids) ---------- 300 Peekee 210 Kelly 201 Elysion 157 Palnatoke 150 Peekee 120 Taral 105 Kelly 100 Steve 100 Blob 100 Andre 100 Wes 100 Elysion 100 Peekee 90 Andre 78 Palnatoke 75 Peekee 70 Kelly 67 Elysion 66 Novalis 60 Andre 60 Taral 60 Peekee 55 Murphy 52 Kelly 52 Palnatoke ---------- 25 bids above this line 50 Steve 50 Blob 50 Michael 50 Wes 50 Wes 50 Elysion 50 Peekee 47 Andre 42 Kelly 42 Peekee 40 Taral 40 Elysion 39 Palnatoke 38 Andre 37 Peekee 36 Wes 36 Wes 35 Kelly 33 Steve 33 Blob 33 Elysion 33 Novalis 33 Peekee 31 Blob 31 Palnatoke ---------- 50 bids above this line 30 Wes (7 bids) 30 Taral 30 Kelly 30 Peekee 28 Elysion 27 Andre 27 Murphy 27 Peekee 26 Kelly 26 Palnatoke 25 Steve 25 Blob 25 Elysion 25 Peekee 24 Taral 23 Andre 23 Kelly 23 Peekee 22 Elysion ---------- 75 bids above this line 22 Novalis 22 Palnatoke 21 Andre 21 Kelly 21 Peekee 20 Blob 20 Wes (8 bids) 20 Taral 20 Steve 20 Elysion 20 Michael 20 Michael 20 Peekee 19 Andre 19 Kelly 19 Palnatoke 18 Murphy 18 Elysion ---------- 100 bids above this line 18 Peekee 17 Steve 17 Andre 17 Taral 17 Kelly 17 Palnatoke 17 Peekee 16 Blob 16 Kelly 16 Elysion 16 Novalis 16 Peekee 15 Andre 15 Taral 15 Kelly 15 Elysion 15 Palnatoke 15 Peekee 15 Peekee 14 Steve 14 Blob 14 Andre 14 Kelly 14 Elysion 14 Palnatoke ---------- 125 bids above this line 14 Peekee 13 Andre 13 Murphy 13 Taral 13 Kelly 13 Elysion 13 Novalis 13 Palnatoke 13 Peekee 13 Peekee 12 Steve 12 Blob 12 Andre 12 Wes (15 bids) 12 Taral 12 Kelly 12 Elysion 12 Peekee 12 Peekee 11 Blob 11 Andre 11 Andre 11 Murphy 11 Kelly 11 Kelly 11 Novalis 11 Peekee 11 Peekee 10 Blob 10 Andre 10 Andre 10 Taral 10 Taral 10 Kelly 10 Kelly 10 Peekee 10 Peekee 10 Peekee 9 Blob 9 Andre 9 Andre 9 Murphy 9 Taral 9 Kelly 9 Kelly 9 Peekee 9 Peekee 9 Peekee 8 Blob 8 Andre 8 Andre 8 Taral 8 Taral 8 Kelly 8 Kelly 8 Kelly 8 Peekee 8 Peekee 8 Peekee 8 Peekee 7 Blob 7 Blob 7 Andre 7 Andre 7 Andre 7 Andre 7 Murphy 7 Taral 7 Taral 7 Kelly 7 Kelly 7 Kelly 7 Kelly 7 Peekee (5 bids) 6 Blob 6 Blob 6 Andre 6 Andre 6 Andre 6 Andre 6 Murphy 6 Murphy 6 Wes (30 bids) 6 Taral 6 Taral 6 Taral 6 Kelly (5 bids) 6 Peekee (8 bids) 5 Blob 5 Blob 5 Blob 5 Blob 5 Andre (7 bids) 5 Murphy 5 Murphy 5 Taral 5 Taral 5 Taral 5 Taral 5 Kelly (7 bids) 5 Peekee (10 bids) 4 Blob (5 bids) 4 Andre (9 bids) 4 Murphy 4 Murphy 4 Taral (6 bids) 4 Kelly (10 bids) 4 Peekee (15 bids) 3 Blob (8 bids) 3 Andre (16 bids) 3 Murphy (5 bids) 3 Wes (60 bids) 3 Kelly (18 bids) 3 Peekee (25 bids) 2 Blob (17 bids) 2 Andre (32 bids) 2 Kelly (35 bids) 2 Peekee (25 bids) 1 Blob (50 bids) 1 Andre (45 bids) 1 Kelly (20 bids) TRADE OFFERS ------------ Ongoing offers: Player Date Will sell In return for ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Blob 6/19/00 Vote on Ordinary Highest bidder; minimum 10 of any Proposals Basic Currency, or equivalent Elysion 7/23/00 Herald's Privilege Negotiable Carnival 9/16/99 0.01 VT 1 Denaria Carnival 9/16/99 10 Denaria On a Player's birthday, sing "Happy Birthday" to em in a key with at least four sharps Elysion 9/7/00 Proposal Votes Denaria; during first four days of Voting Period; unaccepted bribes returned within five days OotEE 9/13/99 1 Iris 1 VT; non-members subject to 9% Tariff Peekee 7/25/00 VTs P-Notes Wes 4/5/00 1 Twig Commenting on and changing a proto Wes 4/5/00 ad space 1 Twig per 30 days Recent one-time offers: Player Date Will sell In return for ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Crito 7/6 Negotiable IATs Kelly 7/1 1 VE Negotiable Kelly 10/4 9 BTs Negotiable Steve 8/16 26 P-Notes Negotiable Taral 7/1 P-Notes VTs Taral 10/4 5 P-Notes 1 BT Wes 7/7 IATs VTs (directed to Crito) ERRATA ------ Blob's attempt to Rebel on 10/1 was sent to a-d. E rebelled again on 10/9. -- Ed Murphy "Most of the time, it seemed sublimely unaware of its limbs, though it was beginning to suspect it had hands."