THE AGORAN WEEKLY JOURNAL VOLUME 46, ISSUE 5 Apres-Christmas edition ADOPTED PROPOSALS ----------------- REJECTED PROPOSALS ------------------ PENDING PROPOSALS ----------------- "Agora Improvement I: The Flotation Kicked Her" by Elysion Auctions end if 72 (not 24) hours pass without a bid. Actions with N Supporters may occur immediately once the necessary Support is given. Rule 1643 (Statements of Policy) is repealed. The Notary is the Executor of entities in Probate, but may only act on eir behalf as specified by Rule 1908 (Automatic Dispensation) and then remove em from Probate. The Registrar may remove Honorary Players. Honorary Players are no longer claimed to be Players for non-Agoran purposes. "Discarding the Chaff" by Wes - Proposal 3957 Repeal Rule 1643 (Statements of Policy). "Fix Debt Voting" by Steve - Proposal 3960 Reword Rules 1823 and 1824 to state that Voting POs are to bill for Votes, not pay for Votes. "Fix Rule 1886" by Murphy - Proposal 3958 Replace "pay" with "pay out to" in Rule 1886 (Returning to Life). "Issues" by harvel - Proposal 3956 An Issue is a Proposal, Election, or Referendum. This new term is used to simplify some Rules. Rule 879 (Quorum) explicitly allows other Rules to define ways for Players to count towards Proposal Quorum without Voting. PROTO-PROPOSALS --------------- "Cabinet Objection and Support" by Murphy "Without N Cabinet Objections" and "With N Cabinet Supporters" are given obvious definitions. "Committees" by Michael Each Committee oversees one or more Rule Categories. Each Proposal must be approved by all relevant Committees (if any) before being voted on. Committees may amend Rule creations or amendments within a Proposal. "Return of the Unsigned VT" by Steve +VTs and -VTs are re-combined. CALLS FOR JUDGEMENT ------------------- CFJ 1183 "The Infraction of Debt Voting cannot be committed by any Player." [FALSE] 11/26 Called by Steve 11/28 Assigned to Wes, who Judges FALSE 11/28-29 Appealed by Steve, harvel, and Blob 12/2-9 Appeal assigned to Kolja A., Elysion, and Murphy, who move to SUSTAIN in a split decision 12/20 CFJ 1188 finds that Kolja's assignation to the Board was incorrect 12/20-23 lee assigned to Board and moves to SUSTAIN Caller's argument (summary): Voting POs are executed for the direct purpose of billing for votes, not paying for them; thus Rule 1824 fails to identify such POs (as intended) as a trigger for Debt Voting. Judge's refutation (summary): Voting POs are executed for the eventual purpose of causing votes to be paid for. CFJ 1188 "Kolja A. should not have been assigned to the Board of Appeals [TRUE] for CFJ 1183." 12/12 Called by Murphy 12/12-16 Assigned to harvel, who Judges TRUE Caller's argument (summary): Rule 911, clause iv. Journalist's notes: Kolja was ineligible to Judge CFJ 1183 by request. Many other Players were ineligible solely due to Rule 1871 (Turns for All), which contradicts 911/iv's claim that those Players are ineligible for the Board. (Rule 1871 wins this conflict by claiming precedence.) CFJ 1189 "A Proposal cannot be distributed by a Player other than the [TRUE] Promotor, unless the Rules explicitly allow or require em to do so." 12/15 Called by Murphy 12/20-21 Assigned to lee, who Judges TRUE Caller's argument (summary): Rules 1011 (Definition of Nomic Property) and 1770 (Distributiong Proposals). CFJ 1190 "The Private Payment Order executed in this message is executed for the purpose of paying for votes, within the meaning given to that phrase by the Judgement (sustained on Appeal) in CFJ 1183." 12/25 Called by Steve Caller's argument (summary): Steve intends to continue executing such Private Payment Orders until Wes pays for eir vote on Proposal 3857. This can be interpreted (in at least a couple of ways) as having the indirect purpose of making Wes pay for that Vote, and CFJ 1183 sets precedent that Rule 1824 recognizes indirect purposes. OFFICES ------- 12/15 Blob is Elected Justiciar. Peekee is Elected Notary. Wes is re-Elected Promotor. OTHER ----- 12/16 Kolja A. deregisters. 12/24 Steve goes On Hold. Notary Peekee executes Kolja A.'s Probate. 12/25 Oerjan returns to life and promptly goes On Hold. TRADE OFFERS ------------ Ongoing offers: Player Date Will sell In return for ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Carnival 9/16 +0.01 VT 1 Denaria Carnival 9/16 10 Denaria On a Player's birthday, sing "Happy Birthday" to em in a key with at least four sharps Elysion ? FOR Vote VT cost + 5 Denaria; individual refusal OotEE 9/13 1 Iris 1 VT; non-members subject to 9% Tariff 9/18 The Agoran Carnival accepts deposits of VTs, P-Notes, or IATs, at weekly interest of 3 Denaria per unit. The Agoran Carnival will loan its VTs, P-Notes, or IATs, at weekly interest of 5 Denaria per unit. The Agoran Carnival will pay N of any Basic Currency in exchange for (N of any other Basic Currency plus N Denaria). One-time offers: Player Date Will sell In return for ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Blob 11/1 10 +VTs 1 Indulgence Carnival 11/12 Denaria 2 blocks of 50 -VTs Carnival 11/12 2 blocks of Denaria 50 P-Notes Chuck 9/1 IATs Up to 50 +VTs, negotiable harvel 11/13 Negotiable Delegation of Assessor from 11/23 to 12/1 lee 11/1 5 +VTs 1.1 Indulgences (directed to Palnatoke, but e declined on 11/6) ERRATA ------